2024 March

Release notes for 2024 March 04 release.

Check in notes

Check in note alerts and notifications are now enabled for care coordinators and care partners. Users will receive email notifications if there is an upcoming check in note due, a missing check in note or an overdue check in note.

An upcoming check in note alert will be triggered twice a week prior to the check in due date. Once the due date passes, the check in note becomes overdue.

On the package list, a new column titled “Actions” will indicate the status of the check in note. Additional information is visible when the user clicks on the note icon.

Updated branding and interface for packages

The Trilogy Care logo, font and colours have been updated throughout the portal to reflect the current Trilogy Care branding and ensure consistency across each screen.

Service provider onboarding (beta testing)

Service providers can now register to gain access to the Trilogy Care portal. Service providers are taken through an onboarding flow to input information about their services, outlets, employees and documentation. This ensures that Trilogy Care has all the appropriate information to approve a service provider.

The steps in the registration process are:

  • Registering the business and setting the email and password to log into your account. If the service provider exists in our systems, the user will need to claim ownership of the account.
  • Next, basic information about the business is captured, including bank account details so that we can pay bills promptly.
  • The second step is to select the services the service provider will provide to care recipients. Next, details about the service providers locations, rates and employees are captured.
  • The last two steps related to documentation. First, the service provider is required to sign our service agreement and then upload necessary documentation such as insurance certificates. These documents are reviewed by the Trilogy Care workforce compliance team.
  • Once the onboarding is complete and all documents have been verified, the service provider will be able to submit bills and access other key functionality in the portal.

Email template

Updated the transactional email template to reflect the new TrilogyCare Branding.

Dementia supplement notification

Each month, we process claims from Services Australia, including those with dementia supplements. For such claims, we'll send a one-time email to the care partner, prompting them to verify that all required documentation isc orrectly filed.

Other minor changes

  • Increase package note pagination from 5 to 25
  • Add “Callback” and “Assessment note” as note categories
  • Fix the category filter on package notes to show the correct number of results
  • Show Modified Monash Model classification for addresses
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